Alaska Float Trips Safety



Your Safety On An

Alaska Float Fishing Trip

Float Trip Safety Is Our Number One Priority
Safety, It takes all of us!

Here at Alaska Rainbow Adventures we place a high priority on safety during our float fishing trips. With over 30 years in business and many more in experience, your ARA team of professional guides posses extensive knowledge of Alaskan rivers and wilderness to provide as safe a trip as possiable through various measures, other factors include:

1. Experienced Guides:Our guides possess vast experience in leading groups in the remote Alaskan wilderness. They are also knowledgeable about local wildlife and are well-versed in identifying potential hazards. Moreover, all our guides are certified in CPR and first aid. Although we have a team of seasoned guides, occasionally we bring a new guide on board, as this occupation can only be learned through on-the-job experience.

2. Top-of-the-line equipment: ARA uses high-quality rafts, camping gear, and safety equipment that is specifically designed for use in the Alaskan environment. Personal flotation devices (PFDs) are also provided to all guests.

3. Thorough Safety Briefings: Prior to each trip, ARA's guides provide a comprehensive safety briefing covering everything from how to use the PFDs to what to do in an emergency.

4. Satellite Communication: ARA's guides carry satellite communication devices to call for help if needed.

5. Medical Evacuation Insurance: ARA recommends that all guests purchase medical evacuation insurance in case of a serious injury or illness.

In addition to these measures, ARA takes a common-sense approach to safety, avoiding fishing in dangerous conditions such as during high water or strong winds, and encouraging guests to be aware of their surroundings, to use extreme caution espicially while wading and to take precautions to prevent accidents at all times.

Guests should also be mindful of the following if they are considering a trip with Alaska Rainbow Adventures:

1. Physical Fitness: Some of ARA's trips are physically demanding, so it is essential to be in good shape before embarking on a trip.

2. Medical Conditions: Guests should inform ARA of any medical conditions, and ensure that you have any necessary medications and supplies you need on your trip.

3. Weather Conditions: The weather in Alaska can change quickly, so guests should pack for all types of weather conditions.

4. Follow Guide's Instructions: Guests should follow their guide's instructions carefully as they are there to keep them safe and help them have a great experience.

By following these tips guests can help ensure that their Alaskan float fishing trip is both safe and memorable.

Safety on Alaska float trip
Safety First Alaska float trip